
“Hollywood Palladium Festival Grounds” so… their parking lot?
I would say this is the bed you make when you decide to work for network television, but Ken Jeong was very nice to me when I met once, so, eh.
Hey Ed you performed on a late night show I was an intern on at the time and were very friendly to me! Thank you for that kindness and all the tunes!
I imagine it's hard to insure a tour right now when your three stars are unquestionably unvaxxed.
Weird that people are calling it a series when it's very much a movie, just with three segments. Semantics aside, I really enjoyed it.
They played Vertigo over the speakers when I toured the Guinness factory in Dublin and it made both the song and the experience more fun and way dumber.
I like the way they worked in Light Up Gold II! Maybe they've been doing this for a while, but it was the first time I'd heard them do that. Cool stuff.
Part of me wonders how many of the "small font tragedies" are for acts whose places were initially negotiated two years ago for the 2020 festival. black midi are at basically the same place as they were last time, though definitely like they would've been higher this time around. Doja Cat, on the other hand, shot up a full four lines. Clearly they cracked that deal back open. Wonder how many acts did/didn't try to do that.
Japanese Breakfast goes by @jbrekkie on Twitter, and that is totally fine and also where things like that should stay.
These things are already being used as extensions of the police state. Even if posting this is just intended to relish in how weird these things and the people who make them are, it still plays into their hands. They want to seem creative and non-threatening. Ultimately these things will be sold to the state to further oppress our poorest communities. Please don't cover these ghouls.
Is it not more likely that a lot of the venues require proof of vaccination and one or ALL of them are unvaccinated?
Counterpoint: by the end of the ep I had to stop myself from turning that one off and just putting on the original.
I mean there is *some* relation to the Tracy Chapman song!
"Yeah man after the Ziggy set come meet me by the Shell Green Future Fossil Fuel Innovation tent."
Damn, not a lot of us are Julie Byrne-heads in hindsight!
Of course all this is subjective but I would rather listen to "Can't Believe It" by T-Pain than literally any of the huge, very good hits Usher has had. I'd probably prefer it 4 out of 5 times.
I'm prepared to go more apeshit at this than I have at any single-album performance since Built to Spill did Keep It in full at FYF 2017.
At what point do we just say posthumous verses have to stay in the vault? Personally makes my skin crawl to hear people add verses to dead musicians' songs after the fact and throw in a "RIP" to the artist on their *own* song. Maybe these songs here were in the works before their deaths, but if they weren't, we gotta launch Adam Levine into the sun.