
Good call about Snow Patrol, Chris. It definitely sounds like that era of alternative rock. Not necessarily a bad thing!
It's rare when a band releases three singles that all sound like instant classics the minute you hear them. This is what these songs are to me. I know this is a lazy (and probably bad) comparison, but I keep hearing U2 in the latter two singles (it's probably some of the guitars for sure) and I feel like "Wild" especially is what Bono thinks/wish current-U2 sounds like when in reality, that band no longer has anything close to the restraint it takes to make a song like that.
I like this! I'm digging the cinematic vibe of these two songs, not to mention I love the chorus here. Keep being weird FJM.
I actually don’t know why I said I liked this song the other day. It sucks.
Spoon Talkin U2 2 Me?
Excuse me, I believe it's spelled "KoRn"
I'm loving these two tracks, damn. "You Will Never Work In TV Again" absolutely rips, I can't get enough of it. Think they'll drop the album tomorrow for funsies?
The best part about this is that it's a stripped down, orchestral version of "Song 2" which makes is so much funnier.
"There used to be rock music at Governors Ball." "Sure grandma, lets get you to bed." dot jpeg
I like it when artists surprise us with a new album so soon after a previous release. Looking forward to this!
Am I the only one surprised that Michael Bloch plays guitar on 80% of the album, per Adam?
Toad vibes? I'm in
I can't say I've ever been a huge fan of his music, but he was one of those unique larger than life characters in rock and there aren't many like him.
Q: what do YOU think Tommy Lee's penis sounds like?