
"Big Thief has manifested the destiny Pinegrove was meant to fulfill" isn't really a hot take, it's just truth.
As someone who hasn't seen them live (yet, April can't come soon enough) and just going off the albums, LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I couldn't tell you the last time I fell head over heels in love with an artists' work like with Andy Shauf, so this is brightening my day.
"healthy and supportive co-parenting relationship" With Kanye. In 2022.
Isaac leaving is gonna make the new BC,NR a crazy bittersweet listen.
Eh, going off the reactions I think a better comparison might be with something like Daddy's Home or Star-Crossed, just kind of a dud album no one'll really get that worked up over.
This is kinda what I feared. The songs during the rollout weren't bad, but they didn't really grab me like her previous stuff did. Still, alma mater loyalty goes a long way so I'm at the very least obligated to give it a listen. It's a bummer that it's the fifth show this year I can't go to, but I'm happy that it's seemingly not acrimonious, and I wish him all the best.
Grizzly Bear may be gone, but Ed's gripeposting will live forever.
2012's back on the menu boys! (I say that with no sarcasm, 2012 was a banger year.)
"Sometimes heartbreak feels good in a place like this." "Ma'am we're gonna have to ask you to leave."
I wish I had the same dogged determination the music industry has in trying to make H.E.R. a thing.
The power of Boris is so immense that they can put an album on Sacred Bones and not have the logo and track listing on the cover. Can't wait for Friday.
I'm in the same boat as Tom as not really getting their music on record, but I've seen them twice now and they fucking kill it live.
"Fire in the Hole" might be one of my favs off the album.
Talk about burying the lede, Vernon Chatman is a goddamn genius.
I'm the prime age for this and I couldn't tell you who the fuck Anitta is if you put a gun to my head.
Honestly the normal reaction to being asked to play on Ellen in 2022.
I need to know how Spoon is still one of the most freakishly consistent bands today.
Some Rap Songs came out at a really low point in my life and acted as kind of an anchor for me, so I can't pretend to not be biased when it comes to Earl's stuff. However I've had some friends who think his music's boring too so it's really to each their own.
I've come to the conclusion that I could listen to Dan abstractly recite the phone book and I'd love every second of it, so yeah this rips.
Seriously debating taking a bus to Philly for that show, the lineup is my goddamn dream.
Dad was a risk-taker His was a shoe maker You best TNOCS, little list-maker
Got an email the other day saying that The Armed concert I was supposed to go to next week was moved to March. I may have played myself hard with my "Only get tickets for shows in 2022" rule.
If anyone here's still brave/foolish enough to go to the MSG show, I'll be there. Although if you meet up with me, you also waive your right to personally blame me if you get Omicron-d.
Seeing Thom and Jonny still being able to rock is honestly making me smile.
I like the song enough even if it left me a little wanting, wondering if it maybe fits in better with the context of the rest of the album. Definitely fits the vibe of "post-apocalyptic 50s pop" that I got from the teasers and getting David Lynch to do a bonus 7'' feels like the most "of course" thing FJM could do with it.
Lol I actually stumbled on this while listening to "Rory" by Foxing
After Game of Thrones ended, that one guy at work needs a new oppressively popular thing to not watch.
Glad to hear the next Ezra solo album's coming along at a steady pace.
I've got the book on The Fall that Bob Stanley edited and I've been meaning to dig into that soon.