
Have a fond memory of hanging with LemonJello in Utah listening to Alvvays. Hopefully he's stoked wherever he is!
Got the Norman Music Festival lineup drop this week and having DIIV and The Drums performing Portamento as headliners (FOR FREE) has given me something very exciting to look forward to. When The Drums were announced initially in 2020, my friends & I were joking that we wish they'd just play all of Portamento. So this new billing with a Portamento guarantee has us all through the roof excited.
Dirty Sprite 2 being the only recent exception, which would also explain the Future executive producer credit.
All I want is album artwork that took longer than opening MS Paint, clicking the color black, clicking the paint can, clicking the white box and exporting.
jim remembers.
Maybe I'm recalling a different 2012, but LDR's reception on this very site was BRUTAL. I believe the #1 comment of the entire 2010s was an animated gif of LDR dancing in a pig sty. Look at her score on the other site for this album. She was very much deemed "the worst thing ever" in 2012. Let's not forget 10 years ago Grimes was a critical darling. Now a Grimes post today gets the kind of hate commenters reserved for LDR posts in 2012. Sort of weird how they traded places in that regard.
Trust me, you have time for this video. Turns out a great way to start the week is with a heaping helping of guitar solos.
Came here to say: 10 years since Underscore's beef with baldi. 2012 was a landmark year for the 'Gum comment section that's for sure.
Thank you for clearing the playlist lobo. I was distracted last night watching Batman & Robin.
When it rains it pours. Sorry for your loss man.
Considering how Alanis Morissette reacted to her documentary, can you really blame an artist to at least see the work before it's put out? I mean, it is THEIR life. I know we love shitting on "Ye" around these parts, but this seems like a no brainer / no big deal.
frog oracle is a veteran on this site. He knows what he's doing. (And also getting my upvotes)
"their best album and I’m glad we all agree" Seems we are in the minority DeVille! Yes, Veckatimest has their most impactful singles, but that album as a whole is uneven because of how big those singles are (happens to many albums with huge singles). Shields was a level up in every way that still provided massive songs but presented a much more solid album experience. "Half Gate" into "Sun In Your Eyes" somehow managed to top the album closing run of "On A Neck, On A Spit" through "Colorado". Then don't get me started with Painted Ruins. I'm thrilled it has its fans, but good god I gave that album so many honest tries with the Rocky Mountains as a visual backdrop driving 30 minute commutes and nothing. To be fair, it had to compete with A Deeper Understanding. But if anything it proved that Shields was indeed a high water mark for GB. Also funny to consider how Yellow House and the first Beach House album came out a month apart in 2006. I recall winter of 06/07 using both albums to wind down at the end of the night. Would have NEVER guessed Beach House would be doing better than Grizzly Bear 15+ years down the line. Perhaps it's easier to churn out albums with a 2-person band than a 4-person band. Perhaps GB blew up too fast and felt the pressure of replicating past successes. Alls to say I would've been down to hear a double disc GB album. Suppose Rossen's new solo album will have to suffice. (New song does sound terrific)
I set 'em up, Jeff knocks 'em down.
So Big Thief and Beach House are releasing double albums next month... Who will win?
I got this feeling listening to Chapter 3 that they were saving some of the best songs for the Chapter 4 finale. Considering how this album starts, they have to go very big to stick the landing. Though seeing the FIRST track of the last five songs of Chapter 4 is entitled "Finale" gives me all sorts of confidence they will land on both feet.
Excuse me... WHAT new Nilüfer Yanya song?
Remember when AnCo made headlines for sampling the Grateful Dead? Different time.
I learn more about myself every day.
I pray everyone has heard KAYTRANADA's EP by now. Three top shelf tracks. Wouldn't mind if they reappeared on his next album.
If "Masquerade" isn't this week's top song choice... ...then it should be "Sunset"
Thems the goods but Kill The Moonlight and Girls Can Tell are also required. I'll let some super fan go to bat for Series of Sneaks.
So is this the third time a shoegaze classic band waited 20+ years to drop a new album?
Beach House Chapter 3 tonight!
Found out this weekend, according to Wikipedia, Jack Antonoff is a co-writer of Spoon's "Wild"
"YBB you there now?" "No, nothing, shoot."
"Wild" finally made me confident enough to claim Spoon is the best American band of all time. Have a great weekend.
Kaputt paved the way for a whole slew of great music in the 2010s. Dan beat M83 and whoever else was saxophoning it up in 2011. It was my 3rd favorite of the decade. It's ridiculously good and most people STILL have not heard "The Laziest River" which makes the experience 20 minutes longer and makes "Bay of Pigs" even MORE epic.
Still waiting for them to give us an episode.
I appreciated the commenter who mentioned they'd been listening to "Wild" on vinyl. After one listen I drove straight to my record store to get a copy while listening to "Wild" on loop the whole way there and back.
The Fontaines song is great but the Spoon song is an instant classic.
The artist is Lisa Signorini so I imagine she did this King Princess cover art too.
Surely I'm not the only one who sees the similarity: Long Live Yves Tumor.
Good to see they're still doing the ear-shrieking feedback from the album version. What an astounding performance! Love seeing the Light Up Gold material performed with extreme fervor. Incredible band.
Crazy enough on the burned CD I was gifted in the mid 2000s, it ended with "Off The Rails" Took me years before I heard it with "Consequence" at the end. Needless to say, "Off The Rails" one helluva penny.
Was reading Larry Fitzmaurice's LCD article recently and he mentioned a lot of classic 2007 albums. Had me revisiting Menomena and stopping in my tracks wondering why one of there songs sounded so familiar. I never noticed that "There He Go" begins with a Menomena sample 10 years ago. Must've been distracted by that Portishead "Cowboys" sample mid album. Go figure Q went on to sample Chromatics too. Still never came to love anything else Q released as much as this album.
Still my favorite Kendrick flow.