
Not even "Gone" or "Shallow Sun" grabbed you?
The Sea and Cake was also a great music-medication (musication?) for me during the big 2020 pandemic. Oh it's still going on in 2021? OK I'll keep listening then.
Real Estate will always be reliable for this kind of chill, melodic, soothing kinda music, even if it follows their formula set from day 1 to the T. They're good at it, keep doing it, I don't mind. And I'll always add it to my music library.
Yes. Listen to Captain in full.
A recent discovery of mine, LOVED Captain. I even tossed "Serotonin" on the Stereogum Weekend playlist on Spotify a couple weeks back. I thought this would be too lowkey for the Gum to cover, glad to be wrong! This song is beautiful too.
Maximo Park is still making music? Huh. Good for them.
Uh... This is The Horrors? Are we sure? Hmmm... Glad it's just for an EP and not a lead single for a full-length. Faris has a great voice, why distort it like this to make it sound indistinguishable and generic? I'm gonna go listen to "Something To Remember Me By" to wash the bad taste out of my ears
No prob! I hope Jim brings some grooves like that to the next Spoon album, that song is sweet sweet bliss
I was getting nervous as I scrolled down... but yeah #1, sounds about right.
Just press play on Gimme Fiction and listen to it front to back and if, by the end, you feel NOTHING.... Well I don't know what to say.
If Transference were an album by any other band, it would be that band's best album. But vs. Spoon themselves... And hey I love it too, "The Mystery Zone" is a top 10 Spoon song, but as a whole it can't top Gimme Fiction, KtM, or GaX5, at the least.
Btw I know Britt gets all the (much-deserved) credit as the frontman and all, but let's give it up for Jim Eno too. In fact, I only just realized Jim himself produced one of my favorite quarantine discoveries, the 2019 album Can You Really Find Me by the band Night Moves. It is SO GOOD. Check it out if you haven't yet. Eno is a talented dude, I kinda wish he'd just product Spoon's next album if THIS is what he's capable of. "Recollections" is a brilliant song, I think I've played it 5000 times since last March. Whether it's Spoon or other bands, Jim, if you're reading this, produce more albums. Thanks.
I actually thought, for years, that I didn't like, maybe even hated Spoon (what a moron) until I finally said ya know what, let me give....Gimme Fiction... a full listen. And then I was hooked, and couldn't believe I ever thought Spoon was bad (seriously, what a moron). Since then they've been my #1 band and I don't foresee that changing. So obviously, to answer your question they should listen to Transference first.
After I myself had already decided that they were the best band of that decade, I came across the Metacritic site, and eventually saw that article, and it was just like "yeah...checks out." No one I know likes, or has even heard of Spoon, so it was a nice bit of validation. Hey I have good taste I guess!
Oh there isn't. Britt must be a perfectionist, b/c Spoon either puts out a top shelf AAA album every time, or they...don't put out an album.
Gimme Fiction is #1, Telephono is last, everything in between is debatable...
Ahhh here it is! I knew you guys wouldn't let me down. What a timeless album. Feels like this could come out right now in 2021 and still feel fresh and new and ahead of its time.
Common knowledge, no?
You guys are nuts. "Bloom" is repetitive, noisy, boring, nothing to latch onto. Now if you meant "Separator".....
"Radiohead had returned with just eight tracks totaling 37 minutes — not exactly a generous bounty." Yup. And only 5 of the 8 are good! (Sorry "Bloom", "Morning Mr Magpie", and "Feral" but nah)
I understand that Spoon is SO OBVIOUS it just keeps going unsaid bc it doesn't need to be said... it's just known.... Only explanation...
Ohhh no one makes prettier music than these guys.
Loving their evolution. Sounds like this could be their best album yet.
0% chance Slowthai is better than the new Django Django. Those guys always bring the goods.
If it were up to me, for 2011 Anniversaries, you're missing: Burst Apart Lenses Alien I Am Very Far (me, biased? what makes you say that?) Skying Carrion Crawler/The Dream (me, biased? what makes you say that?) And you got Days and Dye It Blond and of course Slave Ambient, good stuff.
What about 2001? Hoping for an Anniversary article for Girls Can Tell. Still holds up! But we all know that. We'll know soon enough if it made the cut for Anniversary material, came out Feb 20, 2001. Don't let me down 'Gum.
I know just the man who can help remove it
Small Black snubbed.
I'll believe it when the sounds are in my earholes and not a millisecond sooner.
Great song. I loved, LOVED, Best Blues (one of the best of 2015) and can't believe it'll be 6 years since it came out. Once you get to that 4-5 year span, you wonder if the band is done for good. Thankfully not the case here!
Antlers, Wild Pink, and Nation of Language all didn't make the cut.. hmm.... aightttt
Can't go wrong with "Wild" though. (Beasts, Nothing, etc.)