
Really glad so many people still willing to rock with Dirty Projectors. It's possible to like Longstreth AND Amber, even if the breakup was messy and seemingly nasty. I'm always happy to get more Dirty projectors in my life...
My Only One is actually really fucking great.
Ye has made me age ten years in the last 2 weeks. And that’s in addition to the 100 years I’ve aged since Trumpito took office. When will this fucking nightmare be over?
Also - saying "this is an alt-right dream" ≠ "Kanye West is a memeber of the Alt-Right." Although, to be fair, I would guess espousing cult-like love for Trump pretty much gets you an invite to the next Tiki-torch walk.
Quest - sell this shirt to the people! Let the proceeds go to the ACLU or something...
I really don't think this is superfluous... this is not Kanye making a banal endorsement of some Raf Simons' shoe from 2006; it's repeated espousement of love for the truly despicable man in the White House. And the whole music world is reacting to it. How could we not.
I mean - at least on stereogum (as far as i've kept track), everyone has been hating on TSwift for simply NOT saying shit to condemn her racist-ass maga fans, much less actually espousing love for fucking Trump. For the record - I still fuck with Ye more than Swift...
I'll play the Hot take game Yeezus MBDTF Dropout Pablo
Got damn — no one puts on a show like Beyoncé. Wow.
I mean - your friend is just a normal human. I misread it as Education every single time...
Totally agree with you. It always felt like he was just doing impressions of other rappers. I fucking hated it. Although - I disliked his frist Gambino mixtape so much that I didn't even continue listening to his later stuff until Redbone.
Its fucking cool that that's what they had their sights set on, though.
I mean - have you even seen Atlanta? It's fucking exceptional (Season 2... idk yet). He's a great writer - he wrote for 30 Rock. So it's more like: "do one thing exceptionally well, and then do another thing poorly, but end that poorly done endeavor with a fairly good funk/soul album with one fucking killer single."
I don't why we're all assuming this is gonna be a Man in the Woods type thing. It's not like MBDTF sounds like island music cos it was recorded in Hawaii...
I had to re-examine Money Store after our resident Disco Hater (it's all love Win) named it as rap that he actually likes, and upon re-examination, I have concluded that it's still fucking great in spite of all of Death Grips' incessant bullshit.
I love this. And fuck is it nice to get such a concise and smart 8 song lp that includes an u8 min track in the middle.
Oh fuck - almost forgot about Wye Ooak. Good fucking news
Huh - so I'm actually kind of with you that GKMC and TPaB can feel like work (gkmc cos I find the "it's a film" concept album thing annoying and tpab cos I rarely like jazz samples), but that's why I love DAMN. It fucking slaps. It's a straight rap album and is fucking rapping again! I love it. Also - is Kendrick legitimately religious or does he just use religious imagery? Cos I am one sinful atheist motherfucker but I do love me some wrath-of-god shit from a narrative perspective. As for Frank. On first listen Blonde doesn't really hit you, and you think it lacks the pop song earworms of Channel Orange, but the more you listen to it the bigger it gets. And suddenly every song feels fucking tremendous. God I love that album.
“saddled with a truly generic name...” Saddled? Young Thug is a truly generic name in the best possible way. It’s a great name.
Apparently, this is an unpopular opinion, but I actually like the anthem when it's just sung straight. The range required always makes me go - oh damn.
Honestly - that seems like more of a reason to keep it.
Idk... more than anything, I never got that deep into OF because beyond a handful of tracks, the songs just weren't that good. I never even got far enough to really consider lyrical content on a meaningful level. Yonkers still slaps though.
I cant really remember but I'm pretty sure my taste in music sucked when I was 13/14.
That's such an awesome meta choice. Kinda wish I had cable to watch the olympics now
Fuck this is good. It rips.
Rich Gang feels like ages ago now. Where you been, Quan?
Gotdamn this is cool. Great energy. Are any of these boys Trini? Haven't been back for Carnival since I was a kid but I definitely remember the blue devils:
Should we go back to comparing everything to Yeezus? I'm down. I still think it's a masterpiece and that its 40 min length has a lot to do with it.
I agree with your sentiment, but your examples suck. Don't fuck with Laurence of Arabia, Blonde or even 2049 ( saw this one twice in theaters and enjoyed it more the second time despite its length). Last Jedi definitely needs a cut though...
Look — I’m tired of superhero movies too and pretty much every Marvel movie devolves into an incredibly boring 40 min punch-fight at about 2/3rds of the way in, but they’re generally competent movies with more room for experimentation than you’re giving them credit for. They just let Taika Waititi make the latest Thor movie into a joyous romp with a completely different tone than any of their other movies including Taika voicing the main comic lead with a thick Kiwi accent. Even if I don’t really like comic book movies, it’s about gotdamn time we got a black superhero movie with the full weight of Disney behind it. And It’s Ryan Coogler! He’s already shown us he can make the leap to bigger budget movies with Creed and now he gets to do it on an even bigger scale with an absurdly good cast. And is doing the soundtrack? Fuck it — let’s be excited about this cos it’s fucking cool and being excited about stuff is fun.
On the low... Party in the USA is a banger. Don't know any other Miley songs.
Yeah - but it’s funny and previous Gambino stuff is so bad that some of us still have a hard time giving this one a chance. Atlanta, though? Truly a fucking masterpiece.
Well, that was stupid. Why did I even watch that...
Why you gotta do that man? Making me pick sides... 🌊🌊🌊
Literally never read that name before.
Supreme Clientele still fucking SLAPPS. God I love Wu-Tang.
If we have to pick, obviously I'm Team Ghostface, but... I don't get the animosity. It feels like getting mad at Key & peele for jacking Chappelle's thing. Sure, it's not as good, but Chapelle wasn't here, and K&P may have been doing something derivative, but it IS actually a bit different. Blue Chips is straight up great. It's got this great scattershot energy perfectly matched to scattershot Party Supplies production. Bronson definitely owes Ghostface a fuckload, but Ghostface also ain't rapping about buccotuni and razor clams. I can like both. AB barely even raps anymore (and nothing he's made since Blue Chips has been quite as good), but somehow he has turned his moment in the sun as a rapper into an opportunity to hang out with Emeril on his own late night show, which is exactly what he always wanted... so good for him. Let the man live!
Yeah - this is fucking confusing. As far as I can understand the claim - two white dudes received racist texts and got fired?? And Questlove was somehow involved cos he.... hates white people? Yeah - that doesn't make any fucking sense.