
I'm hoping this album grows on me. I really appreciate the maturation in her voice and songwriting, the added lushness (pun intended) to her compositions and melodies, but I'm not grabbed by it immediately in the same way. I'm convinced it's me, and probably the timing.
Titus Andronicus is actually just starting their "Monitor" tour! I'm very excited to see them this weekend, so far it looks like the most Midwest they're getting is Chicago, but if they're playing this fest I bet an extended tour might be in the works.
Should've just renamed as "Aught".
If where I live is "up-upstate New York", I wonder how many more will take me to the Canadian border. Seems to be about 1 per hour, so, up-up-up-up-up-up-upstate New York. Maybe it'll catch on!
You're going to tease us with this but not share with the class?
I'll say my goodbyes now.
Love the upper register Cate Le Bon vibes, and ditto Rory I'm gonna have to check out Mothers ASAP!
He's feeling productive this year! The new New Bums is also well worth your time.
We're all out here pretending any artist who lives in either Brooklyn or Manhattan is living in 220 Central Park South, and not a 10'x8' box that only *just* legally qualifies as a bedroom.
Straight to the dome, can never get enough! The riffs on Sun June are so good too, they get stuck in my head for days.
What the hell was going on in the '90s where there were multiple bands with "toad" and the word "verve" in their names?
Oof, looks like my opinion is gonna take me out@
Hey look, it's the Franz Ferdinand songs I like, and 18 additional tracks!
Sun June and Lightning Bug haven't left the rotation since they both came out, and the new Trace Mountains is slotting in verrrry nicely. Some really excellent, if understated music has come out this year.
Ditto. If I'm being honest with myself, I'm more excited for Nation of Language than Snail. Snail will be great, but Nation of Language is gonna make me dance!
Bold take. Upvoting to ensure as many people see it as possible. I'll have to listen to A Billion Little Lights and I Don't Live Here Anymore simultaneously to judge your claim.
There's a lot of wisdom here about the nature of family, community, the recording process, Snoop Dogg, Herbie Hancock, the creative process, and love in general, it's overwhelming! Wonderful interview, Phil.
Choogle-deniers got to my comment, but we WILL not be silenced!
They're going city to city, killing people's parents and roasting them on spits. No one is safe. Have a word that rhymes with "Pavement" ready to go at a moments notice.
Anyone catch what the Morse code at the beginning was saying? I'm convinced Spaceman wouldn't have just included random bleeps and bloops.
I love the fucked up choogle they added to this. Sick cover.
You should feel morally obligated to kick these robotic monstrosities into the nearest body of water whenever you see one.
Watched it twice this week, planning on watching it a third time with my youngest brother, the obsession is real!
Premature Evaluation: This is really good! I love the presence in your voice, and the subtle harmonies are delightful. I'm excited to hear more!
Woah, lucky guy!! Enjoy the show!
Came across a sleeper hit release today: Coco's self-titled debut. It's Maia from Dirty Projectors, Dan from Lucius, and Oliver from Pavo Pavo. Lovely harmonies, great instrumentation, and really strong songwriting. Highly worth your time:
I saw Rolling Stone describe it as "indie yacht rock" and knew a woo-free Steely Dan arc for WoD was upon us.
Wow, the only known recording of a sober Guided By Voices performance!
Inshallah, we will have a new Alvvays album in 2022.
Patiently waiting for shitty's take.
Yup, my friends live just over the river in Cambridge (and some others in Somerville) and their rents are both more than twice my mortgage payment. Definitely a great scene there when I visit!
Wait, is Spoon really opening the album with a Smog cover? Be still my beating heart! This is actually a really good song, like Daniel Johnston meets Wilco almost? It's worth your three minutes. His song "We Have Got That Chemistry" is a bit too pastiche for my tastes, but "Everything is Gonna' Be Alright", "Love Will See You Through" and "Roses and Lace" are earnest and interesting, if musically simplistic. Let Hinckley be rehabilitated. What other point is there to a criminal justice system, especially the one we have in the United States that's almost entirely vindictive and punitive? Reagan's corpse and the decades of neoliberal austerity at home, imperialistic death around the globe, and not to mention the gutting of the middle class and labor power for the sole sake of increasing corporate profits that followed in his wake does not need you to defend it, and I'm fairly confident the owning class of wealthy millionaires and billionaires is not frequenting the comments section of Stereogum, so you're receiving no benefit from it. Give his music a chance!
I read the line "With I Don’t Live Here Anymore, they’ve delivered on the hype once more" and immediately thought how excited you must be. I can sense it several states over!
Hope we get a PE for their debut. I caught them live a few weeks ago and they exceeded the hype.
Was there really nothing last week that caught your attention?
Man, I am bad at formatting on mobile, in the dark, at a show...