
So excited for this one - "Heavy Lifter" is an all timer for me.
I would've been fucking PUMPED for this ten years ago.
Fair point, I should clarify - I mean just out in the wild, to truly humiliate him.
If only someone could kick Conor's ass. That dude's such a douche (and yes, so is mgk).
Very cool stage setup even if the song's a bizarre choice.
I can kind of get why this was the lead single but this is just bizarre - people have the album, already!
Great write up on a great album. Undoubtedly one of the southern best bands - and best group of southern writers - of all time.
Always love to see another "Brighter Than Creation's Dark" fan - it's stayed at the top for me the longest, if I remove some nostalgia around the others.
Agree with everything but Isbell eclipsing Hood's writing but it ain't like I can't see the argument.
It's been said before but it should be said again - this dude rules.
I get that this is probably a joke but...that was a great record, made even better in the wake of whatever the hell that rome thing is.
Very much do not agree. He's quite charming and hilarious! Sorry he doesn't click for you but I find him to be brilliant! And the self-satisfaction is just another layer to the ceaseless meta-criticism of his career that is his schtick.
I appreciate the Drake apologia - Lord knows I've made my own in the past - but I'm not sure I'm as over the moon with this one. There's definitely some bangers but why does it have to be this looooooooong. Still, it'll probably even out far more than Donda, which is just boring. Also, Scorpion sucked but Views is fantastic, dammit.
Hey Drake, this promotion gimmick is lame.
Strange amount of Doja hate in these comments when we should be focusing on this trapper keeper kitsch album cover.
(this is a joke, of course - the Farm can quickly become burdensome in just a torrential summer storm)
Back in my day, the hippies didn't mind playing around in a bit of mud - these zoomers are soft!
"The album is also way, way too long, and it often blurs into the background, transforming into spartan and architectural background music" - this is easily the worst aspect of the album imo. I had to start it over 3 or 4 times before I could actually get into it bc I just kept zoning out. Almost nothing here catches the attention. It just feels...thin.
This cover artwork made *me* pregnant!
Remember her goth outfit at the grammy's? I'd definitely prefer that aesthetic backed up by Reznor to the half-assed 70's pastiche of this last record (which, to be fair, I did seem to enjoy more than many)
Honestly want nothing more than for Trent Reznor to become the new Jack Antonoff.
First song of theirs I've liked in years! Maybe I should revisit...
This checks out 1000% percent. What a delightful story.
So maybe a mix of chaotic good and evil. Which feels more fitting tbh.
Transfixed by his delivery / the crowd reaction in this video. ICP and their fandom are a great example of chaotic good.
Very interesting! It's got me hoping she might've learned a bit from the Flaming Lips...
Not sure what I expected but that cosmic crescendo was definitely not it.
That last photo of Justin has been cracking me up all day.
*Looks at all the tickets I excitedly bought for the fall* God damn it...
Also, how has there not been a Michigan or (come on) Illinois cover album like they did for Seven Swans?!
Cannot express how happy this cover makes me. Whew.