
Great article, but where does the part where they talk about how much they were listening to the track Dark Side of the Moon while recording this? I mean, its all over this song...and I love it.
You're not saying anything new, as its the argument used as defense most times, the whole its my choice crap. I get heart conditions or medical issues that may....just may prevent you from vaxxing up, but I find it hard to believe that 85% of the dipshits at a Kid Rock show going unvaccinated is a "choice" for these fools. Its defiant, ignorant, insanely stupid and blatant refusal.
Wasn't meant to be funny, its truth. Who gives a crap where they live or what minority you are. Its very easy to get a shot anywhere. What's ignorant is avoiding the vaccine.
Why don't you just stop trolling and just go listen to LUMP, which ironically may be a band you never knew could exist without Stereogum. The whole music site not just opting to offer what you only want is so played out.
Well now, I didn't think of it being 'filets' which I guess would maybe make more sense. If it is, I totally like 'Lays' better.
I was praying we'd get more lines like from the the first single, "If you smoke I got the haze and if you're hungry I got the Lays" and thankfully it looked like this albums gonna be loaded with them. The only fear I have is that we're running out of summer for an album!
In fear of declaring the obvious, the one two punch of Foxbase Alpha into So Tough would not be a bad place to begin that journey.
No matter how the sound of the album ends up coming across, I'm pretty sure we can agree that 'rock' would never be how we either hope or expect it to sound like. Its just not in their DNA anymore.
I get serious Dark Side of the Moon vibes at times during that song.
What's really sad is that a few years ago I'd tune into this and now I'd rather work on my summer playlist.
Never said I like the song, Christ I'm not even a Lorde fan, but expecting 'innovative' is a just a little too overhyped a word to be associated with any pop song these days. Not catchy or no hooks...that I won't defend, and agree with ya, but to expect her singles to be this reimagined vision of what a pop song should be is not where I'd begin my criticism.
Its a pop song not a reinvention of the wheel dude. Why does every song need to be "innovative" in order to pass judgement to literally no one that has credibility to do so?
The possible reason why this could be any good is if he decided to make a conscience effort to put something out that will reel back in the fanbase he lost post MDTF. Problem is the boys lost his mind and his ego will never allow it. I'll say this...the ad would tend to make you think otherwise. I'm a 6 on the intrigue meter.
I also agree with you with the song example you have here. This song obviously goes harder and carries more energy that the two new singles and is better tbh, but its intention is in a different place than what I think they may be trying to show off with the new stuff. I'm still not convinced you won't hear this sound with their new release but they are clearly dialing back to fit whatever new direction they may be exploring so far. And for whatever it's worth, this song is incredible.
If I can dare to pretend for a second from the perspective of a diehard Deafheaven fan, which clearly I am not, I think disappointed fans are overthinking this whole "transition" that seems to be percolating within the singles. I do not care for anything they've done in the past although I completely respect this band and think they are insanely good. I think they're sound is just a voluminous as there past stuff but believe they can't pound like they have in the past with whatever this new sound may end up being. This new stuff (for some strange reason) reminds me of what Faith No More did with Angels Dust. Not the music but the philosophy. I was never tolerable toward what they did prior but when that was released I was like, wow, this is good. To me, these singles come off like shoegaze on steroids, and to me that hits a really exciting sweet spot, and they just brought a whole bunch of potential new listeners into their fold. One things for sure 😃 be noticed...I don't think there's another band on this site that's more polarizing with it's loyal fan base and newly annointed casual fans that are now immediately curious about how this entire album will sound when released.
In fear of upsetting the Deafheaven purists in the Stereogum community, The Gnashing is great stuff. I understand the pain and aguish with those who'd rather have inaudible screaming Deafheaven, but damn I always wondered what this incredible band (from its instrumental perspective) would sound like with vocals that could be coherently heard, and my wish has been granted.
I mean, how could it not being. It's unavoidable. It's not like all of a sudden Swift is gonna morph into Bjork and give this song the little rust it needs.
Not sure why but Mads Mikkelsen just popped into my head for this, and its now something I don't think I've ever wanted more.
You may just want to start with this one! Mountain Goats, though, may be chalked up as 'acquired taste' and I'd guess because of his voice maybe? I also love Goths as a possible entry point
Bruce has always sounded his best when he actually does sound like dust.
News on soundtracking a video game trailer that has new music? Gonna chalk that one up as a yes.
Like many artists and, well everyone else, it has been quite a tough year to survive. From an occupational perspective, if you can come out of it and be able to publicize your brand, or in this case song or album as much as humanly possible, then you're only doing better than you were not so long ago.
What's the point of your original comment? To let the world know in a sarcastic way that you're tired of seeing JB stories? I'm sincerely curious.
Always cracks me up when people criticize the level of promotion given to a musician, or even toward the musician themselves like its some sorta cool attitude to carry. Its as if they say its ridiculous that there needs to be this much attention on this person, why can't she just stay under the radar and not succeed on a grander scale? Here's a musician who was an indie darling, and now its happened, its finally happened...she's put together this fantastic follow up album that is sure to bring her the financial and personal success she's worked so hard to achieve as long as she can continue to get out there and beat the pavement to launch it out to more listeners. And then, as always, some troll will come along and take his hand out of his Doritos bag just long enough to type something ignorant and deaf while sitting on his ripped couch to try and torpedo it. Its quite ironic actually.
Lord Huron is missing....I can't believe how criminally overlooked this album has been.
As off the rail as she's gone over the past many years with all the trauma, struggles and missteps, personally and professionally, Sinead O'Connor will forever be one of the most prolific artists that ever blessed my ears. And, my evidence is only really two albums, Lion and the Cobra and I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got. Thats it really. But if you've ever let Jackie, Troy (CHRIST, Troy), Drink Before the War, Just U Said it Would Be, Feels So Different, Three Babies, Black Boys on Mopeds, then you know what I mean. If you haven't you are sincerely missing out. Those who know these albums well cannot disagree.
This is exactly what I needed today. Pretty close to perfection.
I'm feeling Clapton circa Behind the Sun-August-Journeyman era.
Having listened to Animals oh at least 285 times in my life, mostly baked out of my skull with the lights off, mind you, if there is a reality now where I may actually be able to listen to it without it sounding like it was recorded in an empty tomato sauce can, then I can give a pigs ass who the fuck wants to control forgotten liner notes.
In potential defense of Scotts comment "don’t have the resources for that right now," if I may venture a guess that even one adjective to describe the 20+ releases just this week requires people to still listen to the album to even have the shot at nailing it in one or two words. And chances are those one word descriptive 'listeners' are most likely on their couches collecting unemployment which, ironically, is prob the best time for them to do it. Its what I like to refer to as post covid subterranean blues. Much like the restaurant business where the people are now coming out in bunches its just we have no one to keep up to cook or serve it.
Feel the same way about Lord Huron which has been on repeat for me. Its been criminally under the radar. It's like...really good.
Prince: I don't mind fans singing the songs... My problem is when the industry "covers" the music. See covering the music means that your version doesn't exist anymore. A lot of times, people think that I'm doing Sinead O'Connor's song and Chaka Khan's song when in fact I wrote those songs. And it's okay when my friends ask to do them, but there's this thing called the compulsory license law, which allows artists, through the record companies, to take your music, at will, without your permission. And that doesn't exist in any other artform, be it books, movies -- there's only one version of "Law and Order' (crowd laughs). There are several versions of "Kiss" and "Purple Rain." Now go back to bed.