
I got into Malkmus after he and The Jicks kicked ass opening for Radiohead's Hail to the Thief tour and I bought Pig Lib. Having not been into Pavement before that, I have no problem saying I way prefer solo/Jicks Malkmus to his old band.
Madlib doesn't register?
The end of the "Silverfuck" performance on Smashing Pumpkins' Vieuphoria. The performance is berserk and ends with Corgan just ripping the stage to shreds, cutting his lip on a broken guitar string, and staggering off the smoldering stage like a he just came out of being possessed and doesn't quite know where he is. It's awesome.
RIP to a monster hit-maker.
"Reflections" at 12? Poppycock!
You've got to give Crosby points for consistency, if not much else he's done since he left The Byrds - every time he opens his mouth or the digital equivalent, he truly does sound like the world's crustiest imbecile chump. That holds true here regardless of what you think about Phoebe's music or failed attempt at a staged guitar smashing.
The answer is a flat "no". I don't really like Bridgers' music (I don't actively dislike it, either), as much as I'd like to given how much praise she gets from the music press and one of my big music fan friends, and I've never cared for emo, either. But they are definitely not very similar. Her stuff has a kind of muted, self-produced-in-a-bedroom-on-a-gray-day vibe to it - none of the obnoxious whining and big, borrowed mall punk hooks that are associated with emo.
JID w/Denzel Curry - "Bruuuh (Remix)" (but maybe that's eligible next week since I only just heard it today)
"The New Normal" and "The Call" seem like the obvious standouts as individual tracks to me. And maybe "Road of the Lonely Ones" but that's a whole different bag.
Hard disagree. I think it's settled in as their best, most diverse album, with only There Is Nothing Left to Lose as a rival for the "best" part and nothing coming close on the diversity front. If they would have remembered some of the tricks or even just the attitude that made TINLtL what it was, they wouldn't have spent the last twenty years stuck on repeat no matter how hard they supposedly tried to shake things up.
'Twas a good one, one of the better 2020 movies I've seen.
Solid track. Always a bit of a bummer to hear another artist I like start talking about moving away from guitar music, etc...but hey, if they provide an intriguing set of reference points and a quality lead single, how sore can you be?
Sound Ancestors, please! Hopefully we get a PE for it, because it's the first non-live new album that I came into this year excited to hear. And I'm REALLY excited to.
I liked how Rogan felt the need to title her "Elon's partner" like she wasn't famous on her own or, you know, one of the people hanging out in that goon squad the same as Musk and Chappelle, who Rogan didn't feel the need to introduce.
A spattering of neat songs here and there does not excuse her regular stream of nonsense and shit judgement, no.
Nothing containing new songs. The R.A.P. Ferreira album is alright, but I haven't been coming back to it much. The only new album release of any kind that has been getting plays from me is Kikagaku Moyo Live at Levitation, which is split between an A-side drawing from their first appearance at the Austin Psych Fest in 2014 (first US tour at all) and a B-side drawn from their return in 2019 as more of a known commodity. It's pretty awesome as they tend to be, but I only know it's available on Bandcamp and not Spotify - beyond that, I don't know.
The last Super Bowl halftime show (that was the last one, right?) made me fully aware that I like Shakira's music and not J Lo's. I probably was too auto-dismissive of a lot of Lopez's stuff when it was coming out because I was a hard-sell teenage rock fiend. But I went into the halftime show ready to give both a fair shake and J Lo's performance just felt so plastic and dated to me, whereas Shakira's kind of kicked ass.
I'm coming in too late for anyone to see this, but HEY! What about: Kikagaku Moyo - Live at LEVITATION ???
Right. He thought Donald fucking Trump was worth supporting a thuggish, brain-dead attack on the capitol for. What a pathetic dickcheese.
I mean I never did like his music, save "Only in My Dreams", which was clearly a fluke since it's alone. Louis CK was the funniest stand-up going for a good 5 or so years, I have no problem admitting that.
On one hand they probably wouldn't much like his lame-ass weirdo music - not nearly meat and potatoes enough. But on the other hand, they're great at convicing themselves they believe whatever suits the narrative that is peddled to them by smarter assholes, so maybe this is the onset of the Lunatic Right getting into half-baked hypnagogic pop.
Yeah, I'm glad he gave last year as a break for new material, because I was kind of due for a break after he seemed to be cranking them out for a while. The second of last year's live albums was great, and now I'm down for a new studio.
See I think they had potential on the debut and a handful of good songs ("Jealous Again", "Hard to Handle", "Twice as Hard", "Sister Luck"), but the songwriting overall was unpolished and inconsistent and the sound lacked subtlety. Southern Harmony was a quantum leap forward in sound and songs, and Amorica is my favorite, but I know they lost some of their early fans with the looser sound. Also that '09 album they cut live at Levon Helm's barn is fantastic and probably way underexposed.
Downvotes? I love Jules and the Strokes and Voidz. But I'd be curious to hear his take on this since he seems to have a weird man-crush on Ariel Pink despite Casablancas what have always seemed like huge differences in moral views and politics.
I love it, what a nice surprise. Legacy! x2 was my favorite album of 2019 and Jamila has a great live presence.
Hell yeah, I bet so. She laid down some deep, dirty funky with the best of them.
Where did I put it after we canceled him for defending Westboro Baptist?
That was what got me on the Czarface train - somehow they flew under my radar until that, despite me obviously being a fan of Deck. Every Hero Needs a Villain is my favorite from Czarface now...but "Meets Metal Face" has #2 on lock.
Wow, what prolific sessions those must have been. The album's already loaded with quality tracks and now these, which also kick ass? I'll take it - this was the last album of theirs that genuinely engaged me as a whole, and at the time I thought they could maintain that balance of quality and hooks and just keep getting better. It wasn't the case ("Gotta Get Away" is a great single, though, and the last album was a little better than the previous two, if still unremarkable), but I still love Brothers. 2010 was a Hell of a year for music. Brothers & Chulahoma, as different as they are, remain their high water marks for me.
Just awful. Stunning awful.
God, enough with everyone covering "Creep" already! It's like the "All Along the Watchtower"* of its generation but the covers are a lot less fun, interesting, or exciting. * I know "Yesterday" is the one that supposedly had the most covers, but as a rock fan I can think of WAY more "Watchtower" covers.
"Rock icon" feels like an odd term for a gentle, light-as-air indie folker like Mac.
To be fair, Wayne himself is a pretty big douchebag.