
Splendid cover of one of my favorite songs.
I just assumed you were saying No Fuckin Lie, myself! Big, big love to her family and friends and fans. And thank you, Ronnie, for making the world a more beautiful and exciting place. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Maybe all they thought they needed was a shot in the arm?
Three for three.
I’m sure I’ve heard “Make it happen” before, but my strange black with Mariah Carey means it’s brand new to me today. It’s also unexpectedly delightful! 7! I adore Carly Simon’s voice, and after years of dismissing/disliking James Taylor, my opinion completely shifted after seeing Two-Lane Blacktop. They’re clearly having fun doing “Mockingbird” here. More fun than I am having to listen to it, I’m afraid. 4. “Jungle boogie” is flawless. The tightest, funkiest cacophony prog jam of 1973. A total 10. “Rock on” is also flawless. 10.
Slinky and delightful!
That’s just great.
*(Lazer, dammit. thanks, autocorrect.)
Laser Guided Melodies is my all-time favorite, just one of the best debut albums of the 90s. But I think it also bears noting that Spiritualized are an incredible singles band. And this one continues the streak, certainly.
And the gumjob Noel Gallagher gave to “Valentine’s day,” too.
It’s a very…competent album. And fairly tedious. Nothing made me sit up and go wow. Only going on two listens, though, so maybe it’ll improve. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
An 8 and a 10 and a 10 and a 7. All are strong. And the variety of music in the 70s that had mass appeal is missed.
Poe is terrific, particularly Haunted.
The Body & OAA - Enemy of Love (just bought this morning!) Saint Etienne - Xmas 21 Kylie Minogue - DISCO: Guest List Edition Trepaneringsritualen - Ritualer, Blot & Botgöring (Remastered Limited Edition) The Fall - Bend Sinister The Munsters - At Home with The Munsters (bootleg, don’t tell Clapton) Andrew Hill - Point of Departure Being a listener and fan of experimental, classical, jazz, and electronic music means I adore CDs. Plus, Donna Martin’s CD print bomber jacket is a pinnacle of 90s fashion, so there.
Highly recommend 2019’s Sweating the Plague, which is not only one of their absolute best but is also apparently psychic.
This tickles, and my beard is damp after listening to it. More rage anthem dance tracks with bits in 6/4.
Well, I’m not gonna eat it now, it’s been on the floor, ew.
Take us out, Peggy…
Hey! Golden Girls reunion! Happy New Year to you all. I send great big honkin’ virtual hugs of unconditional support and good feeling and hope!
This is excellent, but it’s negated by her having once been engaged to Pete Davidson. But in the spirit of goodwill and solidarity, I too lick donuts and hate America.
In the immortal words of that beautiful bastard you beautiful bastard.Excellent username/content synergy.
When people ask me why I don’t rate Ariana Grande (spoiler, they don’t), I can always point out that she’s exactly the kind of person to willingly record songs with insufferable late night talk show hosts and then participate in making elaborate videos for them. Terrible. TL;DR “Into you” is an absolute fluke.
The Number Twos, indeed. These are all rotten songs by bona fide villains of taste.
Presented with a “Presented without comment” comment: Another reason why “Finally” is a stone-cold 10/10, basically.