
LOL yeah this song is just tragic U2. 'Wild Wild West' is as bad a song as everyone thinks 'We Built this City' is (I mean it's bad, but thematically and empty-bragging-wise, the track itself is forgettable and inoffensive), and the fact that U2 tried to juice their mojo by doing essentially a remake of 'Wild Wild West' is, well, again, tragic. either they remembered the song and actually liked it, which would be bad enough, or they never heard it before and created something just like, by accident, all on their own, which is nearly unimaginably terrible.
I really, really wish this logo looked less swastika-like...
you got all that from this comment? ok there
given the source...this sounds like they played Risk and she won and he didn't take it as well as he could have.
the people who want to give it a 7.8 are in a knock-down drag-out with the people who want to give it a 6.9.
more unbearably awfully forced crap from shlock-merchant michael jackson. ugh this song is so terrible to listen to, it just drags on and on and its insane level of try-hard-ness, trying so, so hard to be like all intense, maaannnn....phew. just terrible. it's still better than "heaven" by warrant, tho. i'd give that an 8 out of 100.
not factually accurate. people have been working on coronavirus vaccines since the early 2000's after SARS hit Asia hard and later after MERS as well. these vaccines are over a decade and a half in the making, with the COVID-19 vaccines subbing in a replica of the new 'spike protein' instead of the older versions. testing's been done heavily. the hesitancy largely comes from ignorance such as this. there is simply nothing in the vaccine that can actually hurt a person, it just triggers an immune response. why spread ignorance when you could, you know, not spread ignorance? hesitancy here is not warranted or wise, it's just dumb and self-defeating.
yeah it's #1 for me for sure. I think it's being punished because of the Swan, which just isn't fair.
given all of the various edginess boxes he ticks at a time, I mean, who on would you consider edgier? I think he's way more out there than nearly any other currently well-known musical figure, personally. I mean, I hope he has very good security...
that's not whistling. it's just a chintzy synth part.
half agree...I think they're both garbage, but if I had to listen to one or the other it'd easily be "Never gonna..." "Man in the mirror" is the worst kind of schmaltzy, over-stuffed luke-warm garbage. it's so utterly forced and un-felt. it's also an entire world of delusional. I have no problem believing that Rick Astley is just as boring and bland as the lyrics to "Never gonna..." suggest. it's at least sincere, if ridiculous. this song is just unbearable, and was before we knew what kind of horribleness lurked in MJ's being...
"In 2011, when w h o k i l l came out, the concept of “cultural appropriation” was just starting to enter the public vocabulary" lol wut?!?
hard agree. this song is creepy AF lyrically, and musically utterly uninteresting. "put your tiny hand in mine" yikes!!!
it will probably take at least half of those people well over a year to figure out how to get back in...
fair enough, I just find that instead of making me bop, the groove of SB just bounces off and lands inertly on the floor. I'm not sure I think either of these tracks are primarily about insight, main point overall is that "What You Need" rules, and is sadly getting short shrift here!
yeah "What You Need" is pretty much perfect, and certainly worlds better than "Suicide Blonde" which has always sounded forced and formulaic to me...
the high ranking for 'i want your sex' kind of hilarious. i'm trying to think of a song, any song, with worse lyrics but i'm not coming up with anything. 'sex is natural, sex is good', hahaha, oh my god. it's the least sexy song about sex ever. somebody actually wrote that down and thought it was good stuff to say about sex. and apparently some people agree, still, even today. amazing.
yeah you are correct. cases are going up, people are acting like this is over and they are sadly the people who are making it possible for this thing to keep mutating and staying alive in the population. nobody should throw large shows right now, and nobody should go to them either. some small outdoor shows can be OK under very ideal conditions. large numbers of people sharing tiny bathrooms means COVID spreading. there's no way around this. small numbers of people sharing tiny bathrooms means COVID spreading, ffs! vaccination appears to be going well overall, but we're not nearly at the level we'd need to be for shit like this to be reasonably OK.
haven't listened to it yet but I'm about to. so excited! I want someone to make a short movie about these folks meeting & agreeing to collaborate...
damn I'm an idiot for not having known about this, I love Prince Paul! got some listening to do, thanks! I mean, El-P's great too and shit
good! set a precedent. does anyone think if you reversed these people's roles in this scenario that nothing would have happened to the person of color? if my fellow white people can't control themselves then this shit has got to start costing them money, real money.
"“Bad” sounds convincingly tough..." haha, lol, no
it really is OK to just not like it. if for whatever reason you're enthralled with her (or any artist) then you'll find hints of brilliance all over most of what she does. if not, it just all comes off as entirely mediocre. it's totes valid to feel that way without involving any hate or any kind of agenda. the heart wants what it wants, eh?
they are a good-ass band! I hope they are going to make some more material, but I also kinda can't help wishing they would change their name. it detracts from what a good-ass band they are...
hey guess what?!? you're a fucking idiot. congratulations!
LOL, if you're gonna come in hot at least know what you're talking about instead of fronting like you have some special electro music knowledge. no, the solo on 'Digital Love' is not a sequencer, obviously, at first listen. neither is it a guitar solo, though. if you had any familiarity with sequencers you'd be able to tell when they're in use and when they're not.
it's all magnets though. guitar pickups are made of magnets already in the first place. sustainers just tend to consolidate the signal, thicken it, and make it feed back into itself in some way or other...
my apologies for meaning to upvote, and somehow downvoting while I watched myself do it in horror.
.02 % you say, NJ police? you cited him for this? that's not cit-able! wha? reckless driving is bad, sure. .02% "DWI" is not a thing.
I agree and identify more strongly with this comment than any so far in this thread
they are generally made out of multi-ply laminate. there is as much glue and plastic as wood in them. it's easier to saw through a 2x4 of actual lumber than a 1" piece of plywood...harder to smash because there's no grain and no clean fault lines where something might break.
I have definitely watched all of Pretend It's a City, and you misinterpret Lebovitz. she also contradicts herself completely on this subject when she talks about having been invited to a party for Leni Riefenstahl and gives her obvious reasons for not wanting to go to such a thing. but yes, she does say you should be able to see or hear or experience the art of a horrible person, but she also demonstrates knowing the difference between taking something down from being displayed in the public square and putting it in a museum with context, and "total censorship", which is not at all the subject at hand here.
would definitely be so for me! it's kind of keeping my brain functional these days...
yeah this is the truth. it's crazy that he was so able to glom onto the success of NIN with such very obviously weak material by comparison. I guess the fact that he had a more advanced sense of how to do audio & video together better than a lot of his contemporaries, but still. this music was always dumb regurgitated bullshit. like, it's bad. not one actually 'good' song.
absolutely tragic. such a terrible loss. she had skills no one else has had. rip
I wouldn't say this song is somehow actually racist, but, I would argue that the sheer 'clueless white person' perspective that its gibberish is written from is sufficiently pernicious in and of itself that it renders the song a silly 80s anomaly, and has caused it to age very, very poorly. also, IMO, 'if she knew what she wants' > 'manic monday'. and both are way better than this song.
I think "English-speaking" is a bit of a stretch here...
uhhh "I would’ve done the same thing in Wayne’s position. You probably would, too." nope. nooope. but then I wouldn't be bringing a gun on a plane like a jackass in the first place.
your takes are bad and you blame the news
I don't see one comment here calling it "courageous", but really his best stuff came out before 4AD knew who he was at all...