
I still think about the Iceage interview where at the end Nardwuar asks them if they have anything else to say to the people out there, and Rønnenfelt just says "Nah."
That Instagram video is a masterpiece, and it made my whole weekend
If they wanted to give the full Morrissey experience, they’d cancel the air date and reschedule it for sometime next year
Hey, he's from New York, he looks sedated--that's half the battle! I fear, though, that "great rock biopic" is a euphemism for "another fuckin' Walk The Line remake," which sounds like the least interesting way to tell this story.
Yeah, I was gonna say, this has got to be the least accurate song title ever, lol. It’s like if Noel Gallagher wrote a song called “Nobody Knows I Don’t Like My Brother”
Fair. I'm looking at this from the perspective of someone who doesn't have a brand and doesn't want one, lol. Still seems insane to me that Nike have built an empire off policing uses of a little sideways comma that a freelance designer made for them in the 60s!
You're absolutely right, but also trademark law sucks, and I would love it if Lil Nas X was able to weaken trademark protection over these stupid sneakers. Hail Satan, tonight!
I mean, she’s the amazing, but it’s hard to argue with Megan Thee Stallion, Brittany Howard, and Fiona Apple. Not the worst thing the Grammys will do tonight!
lol, even after the whole toilet incident, Kanye got his first contemporary Christian Grammy. Sad thing is, he actually might deserve it, given the quality of the competition in that category. Also, wow, I thought Jojo Rabbit came out like 5 years ago, but the internet is telling me that was 2019 (!)
Lucy Dacus:
"On the song, Drake puts forward the idea that Views is 'a classic,' a real citation-needed flex." lol, this is so casually brutal (but deserved). I agree, though, that even on autopilot, Drake has a way of getting to you--part of me admires the sheer audacity of Drake's commitment to the narrative that Views was some type of artistic triumph for him (when it's pretty blatantly more of a triumph in how to game the streaming economy).
Grimes Presents: The Sichuan Sauce McRib Collectible Sweatshirt PNG File. There's only one copy, and it's encoded into the genome of a CRISPR-modified chicken egg on a vagina-shaped spaceship, headed to Mars. Its name is John.
This sounds like a bad idea, and the HOF is irrelevant, and the whole concept of a HOF is antithetical to the driving force behind a lot of the best rock music... but also... C'mon, man: Let Iron Maiden in! Yeah, on a general music list, I would probably rank Kate Bush above them, maybe Jay-Z too, but almost no band on the planet embodies ROCK the way the Irons did. So many kids who pick up bass guitars have tried to learn "The Trooper"--or maybe just stood back in awe and listened. And for me, Bruce Dickinson will always be THE voice of hard rock for that era.
*puts on tinfoil hat* This is all an elaborate scheme by someone to quietly get rid of that godawful Jeep ad
Oasis weren't brickwalled, they were wonderwalled.
Damn. I only discovered the Fat Boys recently and had no idea how foundational they were and how much they influenced future generations of rappers. I still smile every time I remember the Nardwuar interview where Killer Mike talks about Crushin': "Personally, this is a classic. Because I was fat, and a boy, when this dropped." The Fat Boys were silly, but it takes real talent to keep bringing the energy and charisma like Prince Markie Dee. RIP.
I'm about 80% sure I was at that rock formation from the video when I was 7 years old, and it absolutely blew my mind.
I’m so honored, lol. And I remember that lasers in the jungle comment!
People say he’s crazy He’s got diamond on the fore of his head
He also starred in The War at Home, and I'm not saying that's a moral failure, but it's definitely another point in the negative column for him, lol
I am so ready for this! Saw Nervous Dater a several times pre-pandemic and really liked them but in a way kinda took them for granted--it was only really last year that I realized how amazing their first album is. Getting excited at the possibility that I might actually hear this song live at some point!
Hell yeah, get that Hulu money! Sheer Mag have always struck me as a band that was one good movie sync away from blowing up. Probably won’t be this one (song’s great but movie sounds like absolute garbo, lol), but I’m rooting for them!
IDK, I think especially since this is the second time there’s been credible abuse allegations related to Beach Slang (not to mention PWR BTTM), it would’ve been extremely weird for Polyvinyl not to make a statement. The whole reason you got Weinsteins and R Kellys was because institutions with a financial interest in them took care of things quietly. Plus, if you believe the family statement, Alex himself is quitting music with no plans to return, so it’s not even like the label is taking some radical punitive step.
lol, I don’t take his quote at face value at all—I only brought it up because I think it’s the best example of how embarrassingly bad Pink wants attention. He’s the living embodiment of that Onion article about Marilyn Manson going door to door to shock people.
"'I love pedophiles. And I love necrophiliacs,' [Pink] once told an interviewer, who had asked about neither."
Yeah, I love MBMBAM, but in 500+ episodes the worst advice they've ever given is to suggest it was worthwhile to listen to a Long Winters album, lol.
Pecknold is right: if you’re interested in the concept of Borat, Nathan for You is the better version of that. Nathan Fielder has that early-Colbert sense of when it’s OK to prod people and when it’s time to stop being the asshole.
Yah, that’s some severe “Not In Kansas” slander
To be fair, her raps on Reputation are bad
Call her the Pfizer vaccine—one dose ain’t enough!
Cudi was rapping, rapping at the chamber door, but quoth Taylor: “evermore”
I’ve always liked that the major publications release their lists early, because it gives me time to hear new albums from the lists in the year they came out. That said, everyone needs to get on board with The D’Angelo Rule and allow December releases for the following year’s lists.
Getting nostalgic for earlier this year when Bonnaroo moved from June to September and they thought that might be reasonable amount of time.
Eh, I think Chance the Rapper has become irreemably corny, but I've still got to take the artist's side here. If Chance wants to release an album that he thinks is his masterpiece, he's more than earned the right to do that. And if he wants to fire his manager to do so, that should be totally OK. It doesn't matter that The Big Day was a wet fart--it's more about the principle of preserving autonomy for artists. Chance might have shot himself in the foot, but there are so many horror stories of management shelving promising albums that IMO, it's better to trust the artists and take the wet farts with the misunderstood gems.
This is cool, but I misunderstood the title and was really looking forward to Titus Andronicus covering "About Work The Dancefloor"
Yeah, it's a great album front to back! The video for "Heartbeats" is a lot of fun too.